EVIL LUCIFERA - Italian female of horror..
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When I started to work for SwedenMetal several years ago, when I was more into listening to extreme metal than today perhaps, I got in touch with Evil Lucifera - A female "vokiller" from the underground..

If I have understood it right, you have a new concept ongoing? Ttell?more about this horror concept.. About The movie "LIFEND"? Inspiration? Etc..
- Yes, that´s right..Currently we're more focused recording the new album, we will look about gigs next summer.
About horror, I've always been a big appacionate, until I started to write some stories, and then the movie. My idea was to found both the art, metal music, and horror movie.
On may I met Sathrath, my current drummer and composer of all the songs, and we started to work on the concept album, related to the movie. The change was now underway, and I felt more connected to my new ideas, so, the choice, to change the name of the band, that's now Horror Farm, and mine, too, now I am Lucenera. Then, we started to search a guitarist, and after some months,
On may I met Sathrath, my current drummer and composer of all the songs, and we started to work on the concept album, related to the movie. The change was now underway, and I felt more connected to my new ideas, so, the choice, to change the name of the band, that's now Horror Farm, and mine, too, now I am Lucenera. Then, we started to search a guitarist, and after some months,
Theo Milani (Bladeath) joined the band. For now we're recording the songs and doing the music video, then, I hope we will find the way to produce the movie. I know it's not easy try to realize a such big project. For now it's out the teaser of Lifend, I will have in the cast some etreme metal musicians,
Algol from Forgotten Tomb, Tiziano Spigno of Extrema, and, incredibly, Lord Ahriman of Dark Funeral has accepted a role. I was really surprised and happy wheh he accepted.
I believe that life is the greatest source of inspiration, and the night, all my best ideas came during the nights.

Will you do any liverituals 2020? Where?
- Yes, we've planned something for next summer, I think in Northern Italy, maybe some festivals.
When you started Evil Lucifera, 2009, there was not so many female "vokillers" in the (bm)scene... You are like a pioneer on the field... What is your point of view?
- Yes, you're right, not many female vokillers in bm scene, I can say that before of Evil Lucifera, I tried to have other bands, but only after some years I've been able to do something more. What can I say about my personal experience, is that for a girl, especially long time
ago, was not easy propose herself for a style of music and voice that musicians thougbt more appropriate for a man.
At least, is what happened to me here in my country, but fortunately I see that now things are changed.
At least, is what happened to me here in my country, but fortunately I see that now things are changed.
Sweden has a lot of metalbands.. both current and historical.. Do you have any favourite swedish band?
- Yes, certainly. Sweden has lot of good band
My favourite one is Dark Funeral. But I also like a lot Zornheym, Diabolical Masquerade and Dissection.
Your abzolute favourite horror movie of all times is:?
- My favourite movie of all times, is the masterpiece of Clive Barker "Hellraiser", and, at second place I must mention another masterpiece of Barker, "The midnight meat train".
Your favourite female "vokiller" in any existing band today is?
- Satania of Demonic Christ, without any doubts..
- Yes, certainly. Sweden has lot of good band
My favourite one is Dark Funeral. But I also like a lot Zornheym, Diabolical Masquerade and Dissection.
Your abzolute favourite horror movie of all times is:?
- My favourite movie of all times, is the masterpiece of Clive Barker "Hellraiser", and, at second place I must mention another masterpiece of Barker, "The midnight meat train".
Your favourite female "vokiller" in any existing band today is?
- Satania of Demonic Christ, without any doubts..
What is your advice to girls who wants join a band, based on your own experience?
- The first advice I want to give is to have a lot of patience, it's not always easy to keep a band, and be able to make your own music.
It could be happen to have problems to resolve over time, as a member of the band that leaves, or a label that disapponts. You have to hold on and keep going, always.
One of my favourite music composers is Daniel Arvidsson (Draconian, Mammoth Storm). Especially since he created both lyrics and most production on his project "Scorched"..
If you got the opportunity to work with a swedish musician, such as Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy), or Erik in Watain, or Lord Ahriman in Dark Funeral.. which one woul be your choice?
- The first advice I want to give is to have a lot of patience, it's not always easy to keep a band, and be able to make your own music.
It could be happen to have problems to resolve over time, as a member of the band that leaves, or a label that disapponts. You have to hold on and keep going, always.
One of my favourite music composers is Daniel Arvidsson (Draconian, Mammoth Storm). Especially since he created both lyrics and most production on his project "Scorched"..
If you got the opportunity to work with a swedish musician, such as Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy), or Erik in Watain, or Lord Ahriman in Dark Funeral.. which one woul be your choice?
-Well, I would love to collaborate with Lord Ahriman, would be great a music collaboration with him.
But, I could have the chance to work with him in my movie Lifend. I really hope that the metal world will help us to realize it, We are doing a crowd funding to collect the money, and if we will get quite funds, we will have the opportunity to work with lord Ahriman in the movie, he will act in the role of Mick.
In Europe and USA there ar several metalfestivals.. If you have one dreamfestival to attend as booked band, which one?
- Yeah, right. Well, maybe it's a somewhat obvious answer, but I would love to play at Wacken Festival, and I think that also the other members of the band agree with me.
- Yeah, right. Well, maybe it's a somewhat obvious answer, but I would love to play at Wacken Festival, and I think that also the other members of the band agree with me.
I am dying to see the video "Lifend"... That make me kind of curious though.. What will be written on your gravestone?
Which song do you want to be played at your funeral? ( Mine is "whispers from the dead" by Vomitory or "My Funeral by Dark Funeral..=
Which song do you want to be played at your funeral? ( Mine is "whispers from the dead" by Vomitory or "My Funeral by Dark Funeral..=
- Many thanks, I am glad you liked the video of Lifend, it tells about the story of the movie, it hasn't been easy represent a film story in a short musical video, but we've tried to do it, and I think that also the video director, Randy Richards, managed to do a good job. Soon will be out the second video, Macabre Chorus Mortis,And also this one will tell about the movie, and, it will be the song I would love to be played at my funeral, because it's my favorite song of the album. But I agree with you about My Funeral, it's a good choice too.
Final words?
- Thanks a lot for this interview, And I hope your readers will like our project, and will support us to realize the horror movie. It's possible buy the album and other stuff on the crowdfunding, it's a great help for a band that ha decided to try to not have a label and do all with their own strengths.
This is the link where is possibile order the album and other stuff, and help us to realize the movie, the site it's in Italian,but there's also an English version. Hails!
- Thanks a lot for this interview, And I hope your readers will like our project, and will support us to realize the horror movie. It's possible buy the album and other stuff on the crowdfunding, it's a great help for a band that ha decided to try to not have a label and do all with their own strengths.
This is the link where is possibile order the album and other stuff, and help us to realize the movie, the site it's in Italian,but there's also an English version. Hails!

photo: Hillary Chaile
Thank you for the answers, Lucifera.. or shall I call you Lucenera from now on?
- Lucenera will be just fine! :)
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