Murder Machine
Kategori: Allmänt

The other day I got yet another band from the rooster of Voodoo Queen Management to explore - MURDER MACHINE...The band-image above is somehow appealling at first sight.. but frankly? Does Reverbnation still works, or is that site down for buissness?
I don´t quite know since I haven´t been busy checking reverbnation since ages ago.
When I first glanced at the band´s name I saw a terminator-alike creation before my eyes, but the image on the band´s latest EP is far from Terminator-alike. Instead it kind of reminds of a gangster-movie from the 40:s..

This 5-piece act,based in St. Louis, MO, USA are considered as groove-metal, but I will rather say their musical style is more like hardcore combined with somekind of war-metal/heavymetal.. Especially on the tune "Bloodshot", which appeals in a way I don´t really understand, since the genré isn´t something I usually listen to..But the real heavy musical stuff on this EP comes with "Deadset", which is my favourite song on Murder Machine´s latest EP, since it contains more death-metal related music (which I fancy),
If I was able to give any advice to Murder Machine, it would probably be something like:
Keep going on the right musical track, but please involve more death-, black-, thrash-metal on forthcoming releases, and even someone like me will buy your records without a doubt..
But hey, that´s only my opinion, listening briefly to one EP!
I am quite sure I might have a different point of wiew if I had witnessed their liveritual once or twice..
However I recommend Murder Machine for a check-up! Just visit them on facebook to see the horde´s upcoming events..
This review is also made for Voodooqueen Management and SwedenMetal