Gorgoroth news..
Kategori: Allmänt

Emellanåt händer det att det dimper ner ett & annat nyhetsmail i boxen, eftersom man anmält sig på diverse bands direct updates via dessa newsmail.. Ett av dessa kommer straight from Gorgoroth..
Asian Tour Clarification
For the past months there have been negotiations going on for a Gorgoroth tour of Asia in February 2013. This 8 concert tour, which would have had support by Belphegor and NervoChaos, will unfortunately not take place after all. We will not, under any circumstances, work with the promoter Shah Rizal (Vokill Records, Malaysia). We are on the lookout for new cooperation partners in Asia and also Oceania.
For more info and other (further) updates..visit http://www.gorgoroth.info/news/
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