Brutal Assault newz!
Kategori: Allmänt

It is time to announce BA 2012 Survey winners. Here we go:
1. first prize (DVD BA 2011 + free entrance for all concerts presented by Obscure promotion till the end of 2013 + free entrance for BA 2013)
Jan Konečný
2. second prize (DVD BA 2011 + free entrance for BA 2013)
Robert Litványi
3. third prize (DVD BA 2011 + free entrance for BA 2013)
Dan Šafránek
4.-15. prizes (DVD BA 2011)
Karlis Ceizins, Titiana Poktonova, Maksym Chezanov, Vojtěch Kolář, Tomáš Procházka, Václav Talaš, Jana Ráčková, Maria Borzová, Jana Hladíková, Milan Poprašic, Angella Owsian, Daniel Schmidt
First confirmed bands in 2013 are HATEBREED, ROTTEN SOUND and OBSCURA
First confirmed bands for this year are American metal/hardcore masters HATEBREED, Finnish grindcore maniacs ROTTEN SOUND and German death metallers OBSCURA.
More bands will be announced soon...
På återseende
// Demolithia